Feel free to become a member of the newly started friends association Kajsa and Olle Nyman's Friends. A membership in the association gives you advance information about current activities and offers of various benefits. You get a 10% discount when you buy graphics from Olle Nyman and reduced fee at various events. And most importantly - you are involved in protecting the unique place.
Membership for a calendar year costs
SEK 200 for a private person,
SEK 300 per household
SEK 1,200 for a legal entity.
Pay in and mark the payment with your email address (maximum 12 characters in some banks) or name. Then email to foreningen@ollenyman.se so that you ensure that you are invited to future activities!
Bankgiro 5621-8753
Swish to 1231104397
We hope to see you and your family as a member of the Friends!
The board of Kajsa and Olle Nyman's friends
Aktuellt i Vänföreningen:
Den 4 maj - 9 juni arrangerade vänföreningen en
lyckad och välbesökt utställning i Nya ateljén
med 10 konstnärer, några med tidigare koppling till
Olle Nymans. Utställningen benämndes "Speglingar" då idén
var att spegla verken i Olles Nymans konstnärsskap.
med stöd av
Kulturstiftelsen Syskonen Kajsa och Olle Nymans ateljéer och konstnärshem
se instagram kajsaochollenymansvanner